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1. 目录
1.1. 专业英语
英文 | 中文............... | 备注 |
ACC accumulator |
安注水箱 | volume for safety injection |
AE | 控制棒组件 | absorbing element |
AFWS | 辅助给水系统 | auxiliary feedwater system |
baffle | 堆芯围板 | 置于吊篮内侧 |
barrel | 堆芯吊篮 | Core (support) barrel属于堆芯下部支撑结构,装载着反应堆。其他的下栅格板、热中子屏蔽、堆芯围板等都依附于其上。 |
bypass | 旁路 | bypass flow 旁流 |
CEDM、CRDM | 控制棒驱动机构 | control element/rod drive mechanism |
CMT | 堆芯补水箱 | core makeup tank |
cold leg | 冷管段(冷腿) | |
containment | 安全壳 | |
Core (support) barrel | 堆芯吊篮 | 属于堆芯下部支撑结构,装载着反应堆。其他的下栅格板(下侧)、热中子屏蔽(外侧)、堆芯围板(内侧)等都依附于其上。 |
core support column | ||
core support plate | ||
core baffle | 堆芯围板 | 置于吊篮内侧 |
CPR1000 | 中广核二代堆:岭澳二期、红沿河、宁德、阳江、防城港 | China Pressurized Reactor,二代堆,源自法国M310(大亚湾); 改进为三代ACPR1000,后与中核ACP1000融合为华龙一号HPR1000; |
criticality | 临界状态 | 堆内中子增值系数达到1,无需外界中子源就能维持功率水平 |
background radiation | 本底辐射 | |
data deck | 数据卡 | relap5输入卡 |
decay heat | 衰变热 | |
downcomer | 下降段 | |
dose equivalent | 剂量当量 | 用来衡量辐射的生物效应,单位西弗Sv(Sievert,希沃特),=吸收剂量*品质因数(衡量某种辐射引起的生物学损伤能力)。 |
ECCS | 应急堆芯冷却系统 | emergency core cooling system |
EPSS | 应急非能动安全系统 | Emergency Passive Safety System (EPSS) |
feedwater | 给水 | e.g. SG feedwater 蒸汽发生器给水,和堆芯流动类似也是先下降段再上升段 |
FP | 满功率 | full power |
fuel assembly/bundles | 燃料组件,燃料棒 | |
GNPS | 大亚湾核电站(广东核电站) | Guangdong Nuclear Power Station (GNPS) |
guide tubes | 控制棒导向管 | |
hot leg | 热管段(热腿) | |
HPR1000 | 华龙一号: | 福清5、6机组,防城港3、4机组,宁德5、6机组,昌江3、4机组,漳州1、2机组 |
HPSI | 高压安注 | high pressure safety injection,高压安全注射 |
inner radiation hazard | 内照射危害 | 体内放射性物质造成的危害 |
IPWR | 一体化压水反应堆 | integrated pressurized water reactor |
IRWST | 安全壳内置换料水箱 | in-containment refueling water storage tank |
latent heat | 潜热 | |
lattice | 栅格 | |
LNPS | 岭澳核电站 | Lingao Nuclear Power Station (LNPS) |
LOCA | 失水事故 | loss of coolant accident |
LOFA | 给水丧失事故 | 核电站中给水系统发生故障或中断的事故。无法提供足够的冷却剂,核反应堆的温度将迅速上升,这可能导致核反应失控和燃料组件过热。 |
LOFT | 失水试验 | loss of coolant test |
loop seal | 环路水封 | 环路水封清除(LSC,loop seal clearing):在冷管段小破口时,如果一回路自然循环驱动力不足以克服过渡段U型管内的环路水封时,自然循环被中断,导致堆芯上腔室内蒸汽不断聚积,引起堆芯坍塌液位下降和燃料包壳峰值温度上升 |
lower core plate | 堆芯下栅格板 | |
lower head | 下封头 | |
lower plenum | 下腔室 | |
lower support plate | 堆芯支撑板 | 吊篮组件的底板 |
MFWS | 主给水(系统) | main feed water system |
moderator | 慢化剂 | |
MSIV | 主蒸汽隔离阀 | main steam isolation valve |
MSLB | 主蒸汽管道破裂事故 | main steam large break accident |
nominal | 名义值; 归一化值 | 例如:nominal core power; Nominalization |
NSSS | 核蒸汽供应系统 | nuclear steam supply system |
PCT | 燃料包壳峰值温度 | peak cladding temperature |
power density | 功率密度 | J/(m^3*s) |
power grid | 电网 | |
PRA | 概率风险评估 | PRA (probabilistic risk assessment). |
prompt critical | 瞬发临界 | 反应堆仅靠瞬发中子prompt neutron(不靠缓发中子decay neutron)就能达到临界状态。此时反应堆很难控制 |
PWR | 压水堆 | pressurized water reactor |
PZR | 稳压器 | pressurizer |
radiator | 散热器 | |
RCS | 反应堆冷却剂系统 | reactor coolant system |
reactivity induce | 反应性引入 | 如scram control rod bank reactivity induce,紧急停堆控制棒反应性引入 |
reactor coolant pump | 主泵 | |
reactor (pressure) vessel | 反应堆(压力)容器 | |
reflector | 反射层 | 放在堆芯周围,反射中子减少损耗,使得反应堆体积可以减小 |
reflood | 再淹没 | 在冷却剂丧失等事故中,一回路冷却剂流量减小,堆芯水位降低,燃料棒外壳可能暴露在空气中。通过安注系统等重新注入冷却剂,可以使重新淹没燃料棒。从而避免燃料棒过热,减少核反应堆事故的风险。 |
relief valve | 释放阀 | |
RPV | 反应堆压力容器 | reactor pressure vessel |
换料水箱 安全壳内置换料水箱 |
refueling water storage tank in-containment refueling water storage tank |
safety injection system | 安注系统 | 也称应急堆芯注水系统,失水事故、主蒸汽管道破裂事故时紧急注水 |
safety valve | 安全阀 | 蒸汽发生器上,弹簧加载,超压开启 |
SBLOCA | 小破口失水事故 | small break loss of coolant accident |
scram | 反应堆紧急停堆 | 据说是safety control rod ax man,配备斧头的人砍断控制棒的绳索 |
SG | 蒸汽发生器 | steam generator tube 蒸汽发生器传热管 |
SI | 安注 | safety injection |
SMR | 小型模块化反应堆 | Small modular reactor |
spacer grid | 定位格架 | |
spent fuel | 乏燃料 | |
spiders | 星形架 | 控制棒组件上控制棒的支撑结构 |
surge line | 波动管 | pressurizer surge line |
thermocouple columns | 热电偶套管 | |
thermal shield | 热屏蔽 | 置于压力容器内壁 |
upper core plate | 堆芯上栅格板 | |
upper head | 上封头 | |
upper plenum | 上腔室 | |
1.2. NuScale (未整理)
Acronym or Abbreviation | Description |
AAC | alternate AC power |
AAPS | auxiliary AC power source |
ABS | auxiliary boiler system |
ABVS | Annex Building HVAC system |
ABWR | Advanced Boiling Water Reactor |
AC | alternating current |
ACI | American Concrete Institute |
ACM | Availability Controls Manual |
ACRS | Advisory Committee on Reactor Safeguards |
AEA | Atomic Energy Act |
AFU | air filtration unit |
AFWS | auxiliary feedwater system |
AHJ | authority having jurisdiction |
AHU | air handling unit |
AIA | Authorized Inspection Agency |
AISC | American Institute of Steel Construction |
AISI | American Iron and Steel Institute |
ALARA | as low as reasonably achievable |
ALU | actuation logic unit |
ALWR | advanced light water reactor |
AMCA | Air Movement and Control Association International, Inc. |
ANB | Annex Building |
ANS | American Nuclear Society |
ANSI | American National Standards Institute |
AO | axial offset |
AOA | axial offset anomaly |
AOO | anticipated operational occurrence |
AOV | air-operated valve |
API | American Petroleum Institute |
APWR | Advanced Pressurized Water Reactor |
AQ | augmented quality |
ARM | area radiation monitor |
ARO | all rods out |
ARS | acceleration response spectra |
ASCE | American Society of Civil Engineers |
ASD | adjustable speed drive |
ASHRAE | American Society of Heating, Refrigerating, and Air-Conditioning Engineers |
ASM | American Society for Metals International |
ASME | American Society of Mechanical Engineers |
ASTM | American Society for Testing and Materials |
ATB | Administration and Training Building |
ATWS | anticipated transient without scram |
AVT | all-volatile treatment |
AWS | American Welding Society |
AWWA | American Water Works Association |
BAS | boron addition system |
BAST | boric acid storage tank |
BDBE | beyond design basis event |
BDBEE | beyond design basis external event |
Acronym or Abbreviation | Description |
BDG | backup diesel generator |
BOC | beginning of cycle |
BOL | beginning of life |
BOP | balance-of-plant |
BPDS | balance-of-plant drain system |
BPE | bioprocessing equipment |
BPSS | backup power supply system |
BPVC | Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code |
BRL | Ballistic Research Laboratory |
BRVS | battery room ventilation system |
BTP | Branch Technical Position |
BWR | boiling water reactor |
CAM | continuous air monitor |
CARS | condenser air removal system |
CAS | central alarm station |
CAS | compressed air system |
CCBE | common cause basic event |
CCDF | conditional core damage frequency |
CCDP | conditional core damage probability |
CCF | common cause failure |
CCFL | counter current flow limitation |
CCFP | conditional containment failure probability |
CDE | core damage event |
CDF | core damage frequency |
CDI | conceptual design information |
CDM | certified design material |
CDST | core damage source term |
CEA | control element assembly |
CES | containment evacuation system |
CET | containment event tree |
CEUS | central and eastern United States |
CFD | computational fluid dynamics |
CFDS | containment flooding and drain system |
CFR | Code of Federal Regulations |
CFT | containment flange tool |
CHF | critical heat flux |
CHFR | critical heat flux ratio |
CFWS | condensate and feedwater system |
CHRS | containment heat removal system |
CHWS | chilled water system |
CILRT | containment integrated leak rate test |
CIM | civil interface macro |
CIP | clean-in-place |
CIS | containment isolation system |
CIV | containment isolation valve |
CLRF | conditional large release frequency |
CLRT | containment leakage rate testing |
CMAA | Crane Manufacturers Association of America |
CMS | code management software |
CMTR | certified material test report |
Acronym or Abbreviation | Description |
CNTS | containment system |
CNV | containment vessel |
CNVF | containment vessel failure |
COC | certificate of compliance |
COL | combined license |
COLA | combined license application |
COLR | core operating limits report |
COMS | communication system |
CPRS | condensate polisher resin regeneration system |
CPS | condensate polishing system |
CQC | complete quadratic combination |
CRA | control rod assembly |
CRB | Control Building |
CRDM | control rod drive mechanism |
CRDS | control rod drive system |
CRE | control room envelope |
CRHS | control room habitability system |
CRM | control rod misoperation |
CRVS | normal control room HVAC system |
CSA | core support assembly |
CSDRS | certified seismic design response spectra |
CSDRS-HF | certified seismic design response spectra - high frequency |
CSS | containment sampling system |
CST | condensate storage tank |
CTG | combustion turbine generator |
CUB | Central Utility Building |
CVAP | Comprehensive Vibration Assessment Program |
CVCS | chemical and volume control system |
CWS | circulating water system |
D3 | diversity and defense in depth |
DAC | design acceptance criteria |
DAS | distributed antenna system |
DAS | diverse actuation system |
DAW | dry active waste |
DBA | design basis accident |
DBE | design basis event |
DBPB | design basis pipe break |
DBST | design basis source term |
DBT | design basis tornado |
DC | direct current |
DCA | Design Certification Application |
DCD | Design Control Document (Note - this is synonymous with FSAR in this document) |
DCH | direct containment heating |
DCS | distributed control system |
DDC | distributed Doppler coefficient |
DDG | dry dock gate |
DGB | Diesel Generator Building |
DGBVS | Diesel Generator Building HVAC system |
DHRS | decay heat removal system |
DIM | display interface module |
Acronym or Abbreviation | Description |
DMA | dimethylamine |
DNB | departure from nucleate boiling |
DNBR | departure from nucleate boiling ratio |
DOE | Department of Energy |
DOT | Department of Transportation |
D-RAP | Design Reliability Assurance Program |
DSRS | Design Specific Review Standard |
DSS | digital safety system |
DSW | dry solid waste |
DTC | Doppler temperature coefficient, fuel temperature coefficient, Doppler coefficient |
DWS | demineralized water system |
EAB | exclusion area boundary |
EAL | Emergency Action Level |
ECCS | emergency core cooling system |
ECL | effluent concentration limit |
EDL | equivalent dead load |
EDMG | extensive damage mitigation guidelines |
EDNS | normal DC power system |
EDSS | highly reliable DC power system |
EDSS-C | EDSS-common |
EDSS-MS | EDSS-module-specific |
EDV | engineering design verification |
EFDS | equipment and floor drainage system |
EFPD | effective full-power days |
EFPY | effective full-power years |
EHVS | 13.8 kV and switchyard system |
EIM | equipment interface module |
ELVS | low voltage AC electrical distribution system |
ELWR | evolutionary light water reactor |
EMC | electromagnetic compatibility |
EMDAP | evaluation model development and assessment process |
EMDM | electromagnetic drive mechanism |
EMI | electromagnetic interference |
EMVS | medium voltage AC electrical distribution system |
EOC | end of cycle |
EOF | emergency operations facility |
EOL | end of life |
EOP | emergency operating procedure |
EPA | electrical penetration assembly |
EPA | Environmental Protection Agency |
EPG | emergency procedure guidelines |
EPRI | Electric Power Research Institute |
EPZ | emergency planning zone |
EQ | equipment qualification |
EQDP | equipment qualification data package |
EQRF | equipment qualification record file |
ERDA | Energy Research and Development Administration |
ERDS | emergency response data system |
ERF | emergency response facility |
ERO | Emergency Response Organization |
Acronym or Abbreviation | Description |
ERS | equipment requirement specification |
ESAS | emergency safeguards actuation system |
ESBWR | Economic Simplified Boiling Water Reactor |
ESF | engineered safety feature |
ESFAS | engineered safety features actuation system |
ESL | equivalent static load |
ESP | early site permit |
ETA | ethanolamine |
ETAP | Electrical Transient Analyzer Program |
FA | functional analysis |
FAC | flow-accelerated corrosion |
FAT | factory acceptance test |
FATT | fracture appearance transition temperatures |
FCI | fuel-coolant interaction |
FCU | fan coil unit |
FDA | final design approval |
FDS | fire detection system |
FEM | Federation Europeenne de la Manutention |
FERC | Federal Energy Regulatory Commission |
FFD | fitness-for-duty |
FFT | fast Fourier transform |
FHA | fire hazards analysis |
FHE | fuel handling equipment |
FHM | fuel handling machine |
FIRS | foundation input response spectra |
FIT | flow-indicating transmitter |
FIV | flow-induced vibration |
FLEX | diverse and flexible coping strategies (based on NRC’s Fukushima task force recommendations) |
FLPRA | flooding probabilistic risk assessment |
FMEA | failure modes and effects analysis |
FOAK | first-of-a-kind |
FOM | figure of merit |
FPGA | field programmable gate array |
FPP | Fire Protection Program |
FPRA | fire probabilistic risk assessment |
FPS | fire protection system |
FRA | functional requirements analysis |
FRP | fiber-reinforced polymer |
FSAR | Final Safety Analysis Report (Note - this is synonymous with DCD in this document) |
FSG | FLEX support guidelines |
FSI | fluid-structure interaction |
FSSA | fire safe shutdown analysis |
FSSD | fire safe shutdown |
FV | Fussell-Vesely |
FW | feedwater |
FWB | Fire Water Building |
FWH | feedwater heater |
FWIV | feedwater isolation valve |
FWLB | feedwater line break |
FWPB | feedwater pipe break |
Acronym or Abbreviation | Description |
FWRV | feedwater regulating valve |
FWS | feedwater system |
FWTS | feedwater treatment system |
GAC | granulated activated charcoal |
GDC | General Design Criteria |
GLPS | grounding and lightning protection system |
GMRS | ground motion response spectra |
GQA | graded quality assurance |
GRWS | gaseous radioactive waste system |
GSI | generic safety issue |
GTAW | gas tungsten arc weld |
GTS | generic technical specifications |
HAZ | heat-affected zone |
HCLPF | high confidence of low probability of failure |
HCW | high-conductivity waste |
HDP | Hardware Development Plan |
HDPE | high-density polyethylene |
HED | human engineering discrepancy |
HEI | Heat Exchanger Institute |
HELB | high-energy line break |
HEP | human error probability |
HEPA | high-efficiency particulate air |
HFE | human factors engineering, human failure events |
HFEITS | human factors engineering issue tracking system |
HFP | hot full power |
HIC | high integrity container |
HIPS | highly integrated protection system |
HLHE | heavy load handling equipment |
HMI | human machine interface |
HOV | hydraulic-operated valve |
HP | high pressure, horsepower |
HP-FWH | high pressure feedwater heater |
HPM | human performance monitoring |
HPME | high pressure melt ejection |
HPN | health physics network |
HRA | human reliability analysis |
HRS | hardware requirement specification |
HSI | human-system interface |
HVAC | heating ventilation and air conditioning |
HVDS | feedwater heater vents and drains system |
HWM | hard-wired module |
HZP | hot zero power |
I&C | instrumentation and controls |
IAB | inadvertent actuation block |
IAS | instrument air system |
IBC | International Building Code |
ICIS | in-core instrumentation system |
ICS | integrated control system |
ID | inside diameter |
IDD | interface design description |
Acronym or Abbreviation | Description |
IE | infrequent event, initiating event |
IEC | International Electrotechnical Commission |
IEEE | Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers |
IES | Illuminating Engineering Society of North America |
IET | integral effects test |
IGSCC | intergranular stress-corrosion cracking |
IHA | important human action |
ILRT | integrated leak rate testing |
INL | Idaho National Laboratory |
INPO | Institute of Nuclear Power Operations |
IOTBS | inadvertent opening of the turbine bypass system |
IP | implementation plan |
IP | intermediate pressure |
IP-FWH | intermediate pressure feedwater heater |
ISA | integrated safety analysis, Instrument Society of America |
ISG | interim staff guidance |
ISI | inservice inspection |
ISLH | inservice leak and hydro |
ISLOCA | interfacing systems loss-of-coolant accident |
ISM | independent support motion |
ISO | International Organization for Standardization |
ISRS | in-structure response spectra |
IST | inservice testing |
ISV | integrated system validation |
ITAAC | Inspections, Tests, Analyses, and Acceptance Criteria |
ITM | inspection, testing, and maintenance |
ITP | Initial Test Program |
IVR | in-vessel retention |
JLD | Japan Lessons-Learned Directorate |
LBB | leak-before-break |
LCO | limiting condition for operation |
LCS | local control station |
LCW | low-conductivity waste |
LER | Licensee Event Report |
LHGR | linear heat generation rate |
LLRT | local leak rate test |
LOCA | loss-of-coolant accident |
LOLA | loss of large areas |
LOOP | loss of offsite power |
LP | low pressure |
LP-FWH | low pressure feedwater heater |
LPSD | low power and shutdown |
LPZ | low population zone |
LRA | lower riser assembly |
LRF | large release frequency |
LRVP | liquid ring vacuum pump |
LRW | liquid radioactive waste |
LRWS | liquid radioactive waste system, liquid radwaste system |
LSH | level switch, high |
LSL | level switch, low |
Acronym or Abbreviation | Description |
LSSS | limiting safety system setting |
LTC | load manual tap changers |
LTCC | long-term core cooling |
LTOP | low temperature overpressure protection |
LUHS | loss of normal access to the ultimate heat sink |
LWMS | liquid waste management system |
LWR | light water reactor |
MAE | module assembly equipment |
MC | main condenser |
MCC | motor control center |
MCHFR | minimum critical heat flux ratio |
MCR | main control room |
MCS | module control system |
MCYR | module critical year |
MEL | master equipment list |
MEMS | meteorological and environmental monitoring system |
MFW | main feedwater |
MHA | maximum hypothetical accident |
MHS | module heatup system |
MIB | monitoring and indication bus |
MIC | microbiologically induced corrosion |
MIT | Massachusetts Institute of Technology |
MLA | module lifting adapter |
MLD | master logic diagram |
MM | multiple, multi-module |
MMAF | multi-module adjustment factor |
MMI | multi-module issue |
MMPSF | multi-module performance shaping factor |
MMS | moment magnitude scale |
MOC | middle of cycle |
MOV | motor-operated valve |
MPS | module protection system |
MPT | main power transformer |
MPU | magnetic speed pickup |
MSI | main steam isolation |
MSIBV | main steam isolation bypass valves |
MSIV | main steam isolation valve |
MSLB | main steam line break |
MSO | multiple spurious operations |
MSPB | main steam pipe break |
MSPI | mitigating system performance index |
MSS | main steam system |
MSSV | main steam safety valve |
MTC | moderator temperature coefficient |
MTU | metric tons, uranium |
MWe | megawatt electric |
MWS | maintenance workstation |
MWt | megawatt thermal |
N/A | Not Applicable |
NDE | non-destructive examination |
Acronym or Abbreviation | Description |
NDS | nitrogen distribution system |
NDT | non-destructive testing |
NEI | Nuclear Energy Institute |
NERC | North American Electric Reliability Corporation |
NFA | new fuel assembly |
NFE | new fuel elevator |
NFJC | new fuel jib crane |
NFPA | National Fire Protection Association |
NIC | network interface controller |
NIST | National Institute of Standards and Technology |
NIST-1 | NuScale Integral System Test Facility |
NMS | neutron monitoring system |
NOG | nuclear overhead and gantry |
NPM | NuScale Power Module |
NPP | NuScale Power Plant |
NPS | nominal pipe size |
NPSH | net positive suction head |
NRC | Nuclear Regulatory Commission |
NRF | nuclear reliability factor |
NSA | neutron source assembly |
NSAC | Nuclear Safety Analysis Center |
NSSS | nuclear steam supply system |
NTTF | Near-Term Task Force |
OBE | operating basis earthquake |
OCS | operational condition sampling |
OD | outside diameter |
ODC | overspeed detection circuit |
ODCM | Offsite Dose Calculation Manual |
OE | operating experience |
OER | operating experience review |
OHLHS | overhead heavy load handling system |
ORNL | Oak Ridge National Laboratory |
ORPP | Operational Radiation Protection Program |
OSC | operational support center |
OSHA | Occupational Safety and Health Administration |
OSP | overspeed protection system |
OSU | Oregon State University |
P&ID | piping and instrumentation diagram |
PA | protected area |
PA/GA | public address/general alarm |
PACS | priority actuation and control system |
PAM | post-accident monitoring |
PBX | private branch exchange |
PCA | primary coolant activity |
PCCV | prestressed concrete containment vessel |
PCP | Process Control Program |
PCS | 非能动安全壳冷却系统(Passive Containment Cooling System,PCS); plant control system |
PCT | peak cladding temperature |
PCUS | pool cleanup system |
PDC | power distribution center |
Acronym or Abbreviation | Description |
PDC | principal design criteria |
PDIL | power dependent insertion limit |
PDIT | differential pressure indicating transmitter |
PFT | process feed tank |
PGA | peak ground acceleration |
pHT | concentration of H+ ion on a logarithmic scale (temperature dependent) |
PID | proportional integral derivative |
PING | particulate, iodine, and noble gas |
PIRT | phenomena identification and ranking table |
PIT | pressure indicating transmitter |
PLC | programmable logic controller |
PLD | pool leakage detection |
PLDD | programmable logic design description |
PLDP | Programmable Logic Development Plan |
PLDS | pool leakage detection system |
PLHGR | peak linear heat generation rate |
PLM | priority logic module |
PLRS | programmable logic requirement specification |
PLS | plant lighting system |
PLVVP | Programmable Logic Verification and Validation Plan |
PMF | probable maximum flood |
PMP | probable maximum precipitation |
PORV | power-operated relief valve |
POS | plant operating state |
POV | power-operated valve |
PPE | personnel protective equipment |
PPS | plant protection system |
PRA | probabilistic risk assessment |
PRV | pressure relief valve |
PSCIV | primary system containment isolation valves |
PSCS | pool surge control system |
PSD | power spectra density |
PSMS | power supply monitoring system |
PSS | process sampling system |
PST | phase separator tank |
PSTN | public switched telephone network |
PTAC | performance and test acceptance criteria band |
PTS | pressurized thermal shock |
PVC | polyvinyl chloride |
PVMS | plant-wide video monitoring system |
PWHT | post-weld heat treatment |
PWR | pressurized water reactor |
PWS | potable water system |
PWSCC | primary water stress-corrosion cracking |
PZR | pressurizer |
QA | quality assurance |
QAP | Quality Assurance Program |
QAPD | Quality Assurance Program Description |
QPD | quadrant power difference |
QD | quick disconnect |
Acronym or Abbreviation | Description |
QPF | quadrant power fractions |
RAI | request for additional information |
RAP | Reliability Assurance Program |
RAW | risk achievement worth |
RBC | Reactor Building crane |
RBCM | Reactor Building components |
RBVS | Reactor Building HVAC system |
RCA | radiologically controlled area |
RCCA | rod control cluster assembly |
RCCWS | reactor component cooling water system |
RCP | reactor coolant pump |
RCPB | reactor coolant pressure boundary |
RCRA | Resource Conservation and Recovery Act |
RCS | reactor coolant system |
RDT | reactor drain tank |
REA | rod ejection accident |
RETS | Radiological Effluent Technical Specifications |
RFI | radio frequency interference |
RFP | refueling pool |
RFT | reactor flange tool |
RG | Regulatory Guide |
RHR | residual heat removal |
RHX | regenerative heat exchanger |
RIS | regulatory issue summary |
RLE | review level earthquake |
RM | radiation monitoring |
RMS | fixed area radiation monitoring system |
RMTS | risk-managed technical specifications |
RO | reverse osmosis |
ROP | Reactor Oversight Process |
RPCS | reactor pool cooling system |
RPI | rod position indication |
RPS | reactor protection system |
RPV | reactor pressure vessel |
RRS | required response spectrum |
RRV | reactor recirculation valve |
RSA | remote shutdown area |
RSR | results summary report |
RSS | remote shutdown station |
RSV | reactor safety valve |
RTB | reactor trip breaker |
RTD | resistance temperature detector |
RTM | requirements traceability matrix |
RTNDT | reference temperature for nil-ductility transition |
RTNSS | regulatory treatment of nonsafety systems |
RTP | rated thermal power |
RTPTS | reference temperature, pressurized thermal shock |
RTS | reactor trip system |
RVI | reactor vessel internals |
RVV | reactor vent valve |
Acronym or Abbreviation | Description |
RWB | Radioactive Waste Building |
RWBCR | Radioactive Waste Building control room |
RWBVS | Radioactive Waste Building HVAC system |
RWDS | radioactive waste drain system |
RWMS | radioactive waste management system |
RWSS | raw water supply system |
RXB | Reactor Building |
RXC | reactor core |
S&Q | staffing and qualifications |
SAFDL | specified acceptable fuel design limit |
SAM | seismic anchor motion |
SAMDA | severe accident mitigation design alternative |
SAMG | severe accident management guideline |
SAR | Safety Analysis Report |
SAS | secondary alarm station |
SAS | service air system |
SAT | site acceptance testing |
SBAC | smooth bounding analysis curve |
SBLB | subscale boundary layer boiling |
SBLOCA | small-break loss-of-coolant accident |
SBM | scheduling and bypass module |
SBO | station blackout |
SBVS | Security Building HVAC system |
SC-I | Seismic Category I |
SC-II | Seismic Category II |
SC-III | Seismic Category III |
SCB | Security Buildings |
SCC | stress corrosion-cracking |
SCDF | seismic core damage frequency |
SCR | silicon controlled rectifier |
SCR | SCRAM load |
SCS | secondary sampling system |
SCWS | site cooling water system |
SDB | safety data bus |
SDIS | safety display and indication system |
SDM | shutdown margin |
SDOE | secure development and operational environment |
SDOF | single-degree-of-freedom |
SDP | software development process |
SDS | site drainage system |
SEB | Security Building |
SECS | plant security system |
SECY | Secretary of the Commission, Office of the NRC |
SEI | Structural Engineering Institute |
SEL | seismic equipment list |
SER | Safety Evaluation Report |
SFA | spent fuel assembly |
SFM | safety function module |
SFP | spent fuel pool |
SFPCS | spent fuel pool cooling system |
Acronym or Abbreviation | Description |
SFSS | spent fuel storage system |
SG | separation group |
SG | steam generator |
SG | strain gauge |
SGI | safeguards information |
SGS | steam generator system |
SGTF | steam generator tube failure |
SICS | safety information and control system |
SIL | software integrity level |
SLB | steam line break |
SLP | site layout plan |
SM | single module |
SMA | seismic margin assessment |
SMACNA | Sheet Metal and Air Conditioning Contractors' National Association |
SME | subject matter expert |
SMR | small modular reactor |
SMS | seismic monitoring system |
SNL | Sandia National Laboratories |
SNM | special nuclear material |
SOCA | security owner controlled area |
SOV | solenoid-operated valve |
SPAR | standardized plant analysis risk |
SPND | self-powered neutron detector |
SPS | security power system |
SQDP | seismic qualification data package |
SQRF | seismic qualification record form |
SQUG | Seismic Qualification Utility Group |
SR | surveillance requirement |
SREC | standard radiological effluent control |
SRI | Stanford Research Institute |
SRM | staff requirements memorandum |
SRP | Standard Review Plan |
SRSS | square root of the sum of the squares |
SRST | spent resin storage tank |
SRV | sump recirculation valve |
SRWS | solid radioactive waste system |
SSA | safe shutdown analysis |
SSC | structures, systems, and components |
SSCIV | secondary system containment isolation valve |
SSE | safe shutdown earthquake |
SSI | soil-structure interaction or secondary system isolation |
SSS | secondary sampling system |
SSSI | structure-soil-structure interaction |
SST | station service transformer |
STPA | System-Theoretic Process Analysis |
SUNSI | sensitive unclassified non-safeguards information |
SVM | schedule and voting module |
SWIS | service water intake structure |
SWMS | solid waste management system |
SWV | shear wave velocity |
Acronym or Abbreviation | Description |
SWYD | switchyard system |
TA | task analysis |
TAF | top of active fuel |
TBC | Turbine Building crane |
TBS | turbine bypass system |
TBVS | Turbine Building HVAC system |
T/C | thermocouple |
TCU | temperature control unit |
TDH | total dynamic head |
TDS | total dissolved solids |
TEDE | total effective dose equivalent |
TGB | Turbine Generator Building |
TGS | turbine generator system |
TGSS | turbine gland sealing system |
THD | total harmonic distortion |
TIHA | treatment of important human actions |
TIT | temperature indicating transmitter |
TLD | thermoluminescent dosimeter |
TLOSS | turbine lube oil storage system |
TMI | Three Mile Island |
TMR | triple module redundancy |
TNDT | nil ductility temperature |
TOC | top of concrete |
TRS | test response spectrum |
TS | technical specifications |
TSC | technical support center |
TSTF | Technical Specification Task Force |
TUF | tubular ultrafiltration |
UAT | unit auxiliary transformer |
UCRW | uncontrolled control rod assembly withdrawal at power |
UCRWS | uncontrolled control rod assembly withdrawal from a subcritical or low power or startup condition |
UDC | uniform Doppler coefficient |
UHS | ultimate heat sink |
UPS | uninterruptible power supply |
URD | Utility Requirements Document |
URS | uniform response spectrum |
URS | upper riser assembly/section |
USGS | United States Geological Survey |
USI | unresolved safety issue |
USM | uniform support motion |
UTC | coordinated universal time |
UWS | utility water system |
V&V | verification and validation |
VDU | video display unit |
VIT | vibration indicating transmitter |
VLA | vented lead-acid |
VRLA | valve-regulated lead-acid |
VRT | voltage regulating transformer |
WDT | watchdog timer |
WMCR | waste management control room |
Acronym or Abbreviation | Description |
WSW | wet solid waste |
WTB | Waste Treatment Building |
ZOI | Zone of Influence |
ZPA | zero period acceleration |