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1. 目录


1.1. 专业英语

英文 中文............... 备注
安注水箱 volume for safety injection
AE 控制棒组件 absorbing element
AFWS 辅助给水系统 auxiliary feedwater system
baffle 堆芯围板 置于吊篮内侧
barrel 堆芯吊篮 Core (support) barrel属于堆芯下部支撑结构,装载着反应堆。其他的下栅格板、热中子屏蔽、堆芯围板等都依附于其上。
bypass 旁路 bypass flow 旁流
CEDM、CRDM 控制棒驱动机构 control element/rod drive mechanism
CMT 堆芯补水箱 core makeup tank
cold leg 冷管段(冷腿)
containment 安全壳
Core (support) barrel 堆芯吊篮 属于堆芯下部支撑结构,装载着反应堆。其他的下栅格板(下侧)、热中子屏蔽(外侧)、堆芯围板(内侧)等都依附于其上。
core support column
core support plate
core baffle 堆芯围板 置于吊篮内侧
CPR1000 中广核二代堆:岭澳二期、红沿河、宁德、阳江、防城港 China Pressurized Reactor,二代堆,源自法国M310(大亚湾); 改进为三代ACPR1000,后与中核ACP1000融合为华龙一号HPR1000;
criticality 临界状态 堆内中子增值系数达到1,无需外界中子源就能维持功率水平
background radiation 本底辐射
data deck 数据卡 relap5输入卡
decay heat 衰变热
downcomer 下降段
dose equivalent 剂量当量 用来衡量辐射的生物效应,单位西弗Sv(Sievert,希沃特),=吸收剂量*品质因数(衡量某种辐射引起的生物学损伤能力)。
ECCS 应急堆芯冷却系统 emergency core cooling system
EPSS 应急非能动安全系统 Emergency Passive Safety System (EPSS)
feedwater 给水 e.g. SG feedwater 蒸汽发生器给水,和堆芯流动类似也是先下降段再上升段
FP 满功率 full power
fuel assembly/bundles 燃料组件,燃料棒
GNPS 大亚湾核电站(广东核电站) Guangdong Nuclear Power Station (GNPS)
guide tubes 控制棒导向管
hot leg 热管段(热腿)
HPR1000 华龙一号: 福清5、6机组,防城港3、4机组,宁德5、6机组,昌江3、4机组,漳州1、2机组
HPSI 高压安注 high pressure safety injection,高压安全注射
inner radiation hazard 内照射危害 体内放射性物质造成的危害
IPWR 一体化压水反应堆 integrated pressurized water reactor
IRWST 安全壳内置换料水箱 in-containment refueling water storage tank
latent heat 潜热
lattice 栅格
LNPS 岭澳核电站 Lingao Nuclear Power Station (LNPS)
LOCA 失水事故 loss of coolant accident
LOFA 给水丧失事故 核电站中给水系统发生故障或中断的事故。无法提供足够的冷却剂,核反应堆的温度将迅速上升,这可能导致核反应失控和燃料组件过热。
LOFT 失水试验 loss of coolant test
loop seal 环路水封 环路水封清除(LSC,loop seal clearing):在冷管段小破口时,如果一回路自然循环驱动力不足以克服过渡段U型管内的环路水封时,自然循环被中断,导致堆芯上腔室内蒸汽不断聚积,引起堆芯坍塌液位下降和燃料包壳峰值温度上升
lower core plate 堆芯下栅格板
lower head 下封头
lower plenum 下腔室
lower support plate 堆芯支撑板 吊篮组件的底板
MFWS 主给水(系统) main feed water system
moderator 慢化剂
MSIV 主蒸汽隔离阀 main steam isolation valve
MSLB 主蒸汽管道破裂事故 main steam large break accident
nominal 名义值; 归一化值 例如:nominal core power;
NSSS 核蒸汽供应系统 nuclear steam supply system
PCT 燃料包壳峰值温度 peak cladding temperature
power density 功率密度 J/(m^3*s)
power grid 电网
PRA 概率风险评估 PRA (probabilistic risk assessment).
prompt critical 瞬发临界 反应堆仅靠瞬发中子prompt neutron(不靠缓发中子decay neutron)就能达到临界状态。此时反应堆很难控制
PWR 压水堆 pressurized water reactor
PZR 稳压器 pressurizer
radiator 散热器
RCS 反应堆冷却剂系统 reactor coolant system
reactivity induce 反应性引入 如scram control rod bank reactivity induce,紧急停堆控制棒反应性引入
reactor coolant pump 主泵
reactor (pressure) vessel 反应堆(压力)容器
reflector 反射层 放在堆芯周围,反射中子减少损耗,使得反应堆体积可以减小
reflood 再淹没 在冷却剂丧失等事故中,一回路冷却剂流量减小,堆芯水位降低,燃料棒外壳可能暴露在空气中。通过安注系统等重新注入冷却剂,可以使重新淹没燃料棒。从而避免燃料棒过热,减少核反应堆事故的风险。
relief valve 释放阀
RPV 反应堆压力容器 reactor pressure vessel
refueling water storage tank
in-containment refueling water storage tank
safety injection system 安注系统 也称应急堆芯注水系统,失水事故、主蒸汽管道破裂事故时紧急注水
safety valve 安全阀 蒸汽发生器上,弹簧加载,超压开启
SBLOCA 小破口失水事故 small break loss of coolant accident
scram 反应堆紧急停堆 据说是safety control rod ax man,配备斧头的人砍断控制棒的绳索
SG 蒸汽发生器 steam generator tube 蒸汽发生器传热管
SI 安注 safety injection
SMR 小型模块化反应堆 Small modular reactor
spacer grid 定位格架
spent fuel 乏燃料
spiders 星形架 控制棒组件上控制棒的支撑结构
surge line 波动管 pressurizer surge line
thermocouple columns 热电偶套管
thermal shield 热屏蔽 置于压力容器内壁
upper core plate 堆芯上栅格板
upper head 上封头
upper plenum 上腔室

1.2. NuScale (未整理)

Acronym or Abbreviation Description
AAC alternate AC power
AAPS auxiliary AC power source
ABS auxiliary boiler system
ABVS Annex Building HVAC system
ABWR Advanced Boiling Water Reactor
AC alternating current
ACI American Concrete Institute
ACM Availability Controls Manual
ACRS Advisory Committee on Reactor Safeguards
AEA Atomic Energy Act
AFU air filtration unit
AFWS auxiliary feedwater system
AHJ authority having jurisdiction
AHU air handling unit
AIA Authorized Inspection Agency
AISC American Institute of Steel Construction
AISI American Iron and Steel Institute
ALARA as low as reasonably achievable
ALU actuation logic unit
ALWR advanced light water reactor
AMCA Air Movement and Control Association International, Inc.
ANB Annex Building
ANS American Nuclear Society
ANSI American National Standards Institute
AO axial offset
AOA axial offset anomaly
AOO anticipated operational occurrence
AOV air-operated valve
API American Petroleum Institute
APWR Advanced Pressurized Water Reactor
AQ augmented quality
ARM area radiation monitor
ARO all rods out
ARS acceleration response spectra
ASCE American Society of Civil Engineers
ASD adjustable speed drive
ASHRAE American Society of Heating, Refrigerating, and Air-Conditioning Engineers
ASM American Society for Metals International
ASME American Society of Mechanical Engineers
ASTM American Society for Testing and Materials
ATB Administration and Training Building
ATWS anticipated transient without scram
AVT all-volatile treatment
AWS American Welding Society
AWWA American Water Works Association
BAS boron addition system
BAST boric acid storage tank
BDBE beyond design basis event
BDBEE beyond design basis external event
Acronym or Abbreviation Description
BDG backup diesel generator
BOC beginning of cycle
BOL beginning of life
BOP balance-of-plant
BPDS balance-of-plant drain system
BPE bioprocessing equipment
BPSS backup power supply system
BPVC Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code
BRL Ballistic Research Laboratory
BRVS battery room ventilation system
BTP Branch Technical Position
BWR boiling water reactor
CAM continuous air monitor
CARS condenser air removal system
CAS central alarm station
CAS compressed air system
CCBE common cause basic event
CCDF conditional core damage frequency
CCDP conditional core damage probability
CCF common cause failure
CCFL counter current flow limitation
CCFP conditional containment failure probability
CDE core damage event
CDF core damage frequency
CDI conceptual design information
CDM certified design material
CDST core damage source term
CEA control element assembly
CES containment evacuation system
CET containment event tree
CEUS central and eastern United States
CFD computational fluid dynamics
CFDS containment flooding and drain system
CFR Code of Federal Regulations
CFT containment flange tool
CHF critical heat flux
CHFR critical heat flux ratio
CFWS condensate and feedwater system
CHRS containment heat removal system
CHWS chilled water system
CILRT containment integrated leak rate test
CIM civil interface macro
CIP clean-in-place
CIS containment isolation system
CIV containment isolation valve
CLRF conditional large release frequency
CLRT containment leakage rate testing
CMAA Crane Manufacturers Association of America
CMS code management software
CMTR certified material test report
Acronym or Abbreviation Description
CNTS containment system
CNV containment vessel
CNVF containment vessel failure
COC certificate of compliance
COL combined license
COLA combined license application
COLR core operating limits report
COMS communication system
CPRS condensate polisher resin regeneration system
CPS condensate polishing system
CQC complete quadratic combination
CRA control rod assembly
CRB Control Building
CRDM control rod drive mechanism
CRDS control rod drive system
CRE control room envelope
CRHS control room habitability system
CRM control rod misoperation
CRVS normal control room HVAC system
CSA core support assembly
CSDRS certified seismic design response spectra
CSDRS-HF certified seismic design response spectra - high frequency
CSS containment sampling system
CST condensate storage tank
CTG combustion turbine generator
CUB Central Utility Building
CVAP Comprehensive Vibration Assessment Program
CVCS chemical and volume control system
CWS circulating water system
D3 diversity and defense in depth
DAC design acceptance criteria
DAS distributed antenna system
DAS diverse actuation system
DAW dry active waste
DBA design basis accident
DBE design basis event
DBPB design basis pipe break
DBST design basis source term
DBT design basis tornado
DC direct current
DCA Design Certification Application
DCD Design Control Document (Note - this is synonymous with FSAR in this document)
DCH direct containment heating
DCS distributed control system
DDC distributed Doppler coefficient
DDG dry dock gate
DGB Diesel Generator Building
DGBVS Diesel Generator Building HVAC system
DHRS decay heat removal system
DIM display interface module
Acronym or Abbreviation Description
DMA dimethylamine
DNB departure from nucleate boiling
DNBR departure from nucleate boiling ratio
DOE Department of Energy
DOT Department of Transportation
D-RAP Design Reliability Assurance Program
DSRS Design Specific Review Standard
DSS digital safety system
DSW dry solid waste
DTC Doppler temperature coefficient, fuel temperature coefficient, Doppler coefficient
DWS demineralized water system
EAB exclusion area boundary
EAL Emergency Action Level
ECCS emergency core cooling system
ECL effluent concentration limit
EDL equivalent dead load
EDMG extensive damage mitigation guidelines
EDNS normal DC power system
EDSS highly reliable DC power system
EDSS-C EDSS-common
EDSS-MS EDSS-module-specific
EDV engineering design verification
EFDS equipment and floor drainage system
EFPD effective full-power days
EFPY effective full-power years
EHVS 13.8 kV and switchyard system
EIM equipment interface module
ELVS low voltage AC electrical distribution system
ELWR evolutionary light water reactor
EMC electromagnetic compatibility
EMDAP evaluation model development and assessment process
EMDM electromagnetic drive mechanism
EMI electromagnetic interference
EMVS medium voltage AC electrical distribution system
EOC end of cycle
EOF emergency operations facility
EOL end of life
EOP emergency operating procedure
EPA electrical penetration assembly
EPA Environmental Protection Agency
EPG emergency procedure guidelines
EPRI Electric Power Research Institute
EPZ emergency planning zone
EQ equipment qualification
EQDP equipment qualification data package
EQRF equipment qualification record file
ERDA Energy Research and Development Administration
ERDS emergency response data system
ERF emergency response facility
ERO Emergency Response Organization
Acronym or Abbreviation Description
ERS equipment requirement specification
ESAS emergency safeguards actuation system
ESBWR Economic Simplified Boiling Water Reactor
ESF engineered safety feature
ESFAS engineered safety features actuation system
ESL equivalent static load
ESP early site permit
ETA ethanolamine
ETAP Electrical Transient Analyzer Program
FA functional analysis
FAC flow-accelerated corrosion
FAT factory acceptance test
FATT fracture appearance transition temperatures
FCI fuel-coolant interaction
FCU fan coil unit
FDA final design approval
FDS fire detection system
FEM Federation Europeenne de la Manutention
FERC Federal Energy Regulatory Commission
FFD fitness-for-duty
FFT fast Fourier transform
FHA fire hazards analysis
FHE fuel handling equipment
FHM fuel handling machine
FIRS foundation input response spectra
FIT flow-indicating transmitter
FIV flow-induced vibration
FLEX diverse and flexible coping strategies (based on NRC’s Fukushima task force recommendations)
FLPRA flooding probabilistic risk assessment
FMEA failure modes and effects analysis
FOAK first-of-a-kind
FOM figure of merit
FPGA field programmable gate array
FPP Fire Protection Program
FPRA fire probabilistic risk assessment
FPS fire protection system
FRA functional requirements analysis
FRP fiber-reinforced polymer
FSAR Final Safety Analysis Report (Note - this is synonymous with DCD in this document)
FSG FLEX support guidelines
FSI fluid-structure interaction
FSSA fire safe shutdown analysis
FSSD fire safe shutdown
FV Fussell-Vesely
FW feedwater
FWB Fire Water Building
FWH feedwater heater
FWIV feedwater isolation valve
FWLB feedwater line break
FWPB feedwater pipe break
Acronym or Abbreviation Description
FWRV feedwater regulating valve
FWS feedwater system
FWTS feedwater treatment system
GAC granulated activated charcoal
GDC General Design Criteria
GLPS grounding and lightning protection system
GMRS ground motion response spectra
GQA graded quality assurance
GRWS gaseous radioactive waste system
GSI generic safety issue
GTAW gas tungsten arc weld
GTS generic technical specifications
HAZ heat-affected zone
HCLPF high confidence of low probability of failure
HCW high-conductivity waste
HDP Hardware Development Plan
HDPE high-density polyethylene
HED human engineering discrepancy
HEI Heat Exchanger Institute
HELB high-energy line break
HEP human error probability
HEPA high-efficiency particulate air
HFE human factors engineering, human failure events
HFEITS human factors engineering issue tracking system
HFP hot full power
HIC high integrity container
HIPS highly integrated protection system
HLHE heavy load handling equipment
HMI human machine interface
HOV hydraulic-operated valve
HP high pressure, horsepower
HP-FWH high pressure feedwater heater
HPM human performance monitoring
HPME high pressure melt ejection
HPN health physics network
HRA human reliability analysis
HRS hardware requirement specification
HSI human-system interface
HVAC heating ventilation and air conditioning
HVDS feedwater heater vents and drains system
HWM hard-wired module
HZP hot zero power
I&C instrumentation and controls
IAB inadvertent actuation block
IAS instrument air system
IBC International Building Code
ICIS in-core instrumentation system
ICS integrated control system
ID inside diameter
IDD interface design description
Acronym or Abbreviation Description
IE infrequent event, initiating event
IEC International Electrotechnical Commission
IEEE Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers
IES Illuminating Engineering Society of North America
IET integral effects test
IGSCC intergranular stress-corrosion cracking
IHA important human action
ILRT integrated leak rate testing
INL Idaho National Laboratory
INPO Institute of Nuclear Power Operations
IOTBS inadvertent opening of the turbine bypass system
IP implementation plan
IP intermediate pressure
IP-FWH intermediate pressure feedwater heater
ISA integrated safety analysis, Instrument Society of America
ISG interim staff guidance
ISI inservice inspection
ISLH inservice leak and hydro
ISLOCA interfacing systems loss-of-coolant accident
ISM independent support motion
ISO International Organization for Standardization
ISRS in-structure response spectra
IST inservice testing
ISV integrated system validation
ITAAC Inspections, Tests, Analyses, and Acceptance Criteria
ITM inspection, testing, and maintenance
ITP Initial Test Program
IVR in-vessel retention
JLD Japan Lessons-Learned Directorate
LBB leak-before-break
LCO limiting condition for operation
LCS local control station
LCW low-conductivity waste
LER Licensee Event Report
LHGR linear heat generation rate
LLRT local leak rate test
LOCA loss-of-coolant accident
LOLA loss of large areas
LOOP loss of offsite power
LP low pressure
LP-FWH low pressure feedwater heater
LPSD low power and shutdown
LPZ low population zone
LRA lower riser assembly
LRF large release frequency
LRVP liquid ring vacuum pump
LRW liquid radioactive waste
LRWS liquid radioactive waste system, liquid radwaste system
LSH level switch, high
LSL level switch, low
Acronym or Abbreviation Description
LSSS limiting safety system setting
LTC load manual tap changers
LTCC long-term core cooling
LTOP low temperature overpressure protection
LUHS loss of normal access to the ultimate heat sink
LWMS liquid waste management system
LWR light water reactor
MAE module assembly equipment
MC main condenser
MCC motor control center
MCHFR minimum critical heat flux ratio
MCR main control room
MCS module control system
MCYR module critical year
MEL master equipment list
MEMS meteorological and environmental monitoring system
MFW main feedwater
MHA maximum hypothetical accident
MHS module heatup system
MIB monitoring and indication bus
MIC microbiologically induced corrosion
MIT Massachusetts Institute of Technology
MLA module lifting adapter
MLD master logic diagram
MM multiple, multi-module
MMAF multi-module adjustment factor
MMI multi-module issue
MMPSF multi-module performance shaping factor
MMS moment magnitude scale
MOC middle of cycle
MOV motor-operated valve
MPS module protection system
MPT main power transformer
MPU magnetic speed pickup
MSI main steam isolation
MSIBV main steam isolation bypass valves
MSIV main steam isolation valve
MSLB main steam line break
MSO multiple spurious operations
MSPB main steam pipe break
MSPI mitigating system performance index
MSS main steam system
MSSV main steam safety valve
MTC moderator temperature coefficient
MTU metric tons, uranium
MWe megawatt electric
MWS maintenance workstation
MWt megawatt thermal
N/A Not Applicable
NDE non-destructive examination
Acronym or Abbreviation Description
NDS nitrogen distribution system
NDT non-destructive testing
NEI Nuclear Energy Institute
NERC North American Electric Reliability Corporation
NFA new fuel assembly
NFE new fuel elevator
NFJC new fuel jib crane
NFPA National Fire Protection Association
NIC network interface controller
NIST National Institute of Standards and Technology
NIST-1 NuScale Integral System Test Facility
NMS neutron monitoring system
NOG nuclear overhead and gantry
NPM NuScale Power Module
NPP NuScale Power Plant
NPS nominal pipe size
NPSH net positive suction head
NRC Nuclear Regulatory Commission
NRF nuclear reliability factor
NSA neutron source assembly
NSAC Nuclear Safety Analysis Center
NSSS nuclear steam supply system
NTTF Near-Term Task Force
OBE operating basis earthquake
OCS operational condition sampling
OD outside diameter
ODC overspeed detection circuit
ODCM Offsite Dose Calculation Manual
OE operating experience
OER operating experience review
OHLHS overhead heavy load handling system
ORNL Oak Ridge National Laboratory
ORPP Operational Radiation Protection Program
OSC operational support center
OSHA Occupational Safety and Health Administration
OSP overspeed protection system
OSU Oregon State University
P&ID piping and instrumentation diagram
PA protected area
PA/GA public address/general alarm
PACS priority actuation and control system
PAM post-accident monitoring
PBX private branch exchange
PCA primary coolant activity
PCCV prestressed concrete containment vessel
PCP Process Control Program
PCS 非能动安全壳冷却系统(Passive Containment Cooling System,PCS);
plant control system
PCT peak cladding temperature
PCUS pool cleanup system
PDC power distribution center
Acronym or Abbreviation Description
PDC principal design criteria
PDIL power dependent insertion limit
PDIT differential pressure indicating transmitter
PFT process feed tank
PGA peak ground acceleration
pHT concentration of H+ ion on a logarithmic scale (temperature dependent)
PID proportional integral derivative
PING particulate, iodine, and noble gas
PIRT phenomena identification and ranking table
PIT pressure indicating transmitter
PLC programmable logic controller
PLD pool leakage detection
PLDD programmable logic design description
PLDP Programmable Logic Development Plan
PLDS pool leakage detection system
PLHGR peak linear heat generation rate
PLM priority logic module
PLRS programmable logic requirement specification
PLS plant lighting system
PLVVP Programmable Logic Verification and Validation Plan
PMF probable maximum flood
PMP probable maximum precipitation
PORV power-operated relief valve
POS plant operating state
POV power-operated valve
PPE personnel protective equipment
PPS plant protection system
PRA probabilistic risk assessment
PRV pressure relief valve
PSCIV primary system containment isolation valves
PSCS pool surge control system
PSD power spectra density
PSMS power supply monitoring system
PSS process sampling system
PST phase separator tank
PSTN public switched telephone network
PTAC performance and test acceptance criteria band
PTS pressurized thermal shock
PVC polyvinyl chloride
PVMS plant-wide video monitoring system
PWHT post-weld heat treatment
PWR pressurized water reactor
PWS potable water system
PWSCC primary water stress-corrosion cracking
PZR pressurizer
QA quality assurance
QAP Quality Assurance Program
QAPD Quality Assurance Program Description
QPD quadrant power difference
QD quick disconnect
Acronym or Abbreviation Description
QPF quadrant power fractions
RAI request for additional information
RAP Reliability Assurance Program
RAW risk achievement worth
RBC Reactor Building crane
RBCM Reactor Building components
RBVS Reactor Building HVAC system
RCA radiologically controlled area
RCCA rod control cluster assembly
RCCWS reactor component cooling water system
RCP reactor coolant pump
RCPB reactor coolant pressure boundary
RCRA Resource Conservation and Recovery Act
RCS reactor coolant system
RDT reactor drain tank
REA rod ejection accident
RETS Radiological Effluent Technical Specifications
RFI radio frequency interference
RFP refueling pool
RFT reactor flange tool
RG Regulatory Guide
RHR residual heat removal
RHX regenerative heat exchanger
RIS regulatory issue summary
RLE review level earthquake
RM radiation monitoring
RMS fixed area radiation monitoring system
RMTS risk-managed technical specifications
RO reverse osmosis
ROP Reactor Oversight Process
RPCS reactor pool cooling system
RPI rod position indication
RPS reactor protection system
RPV reactor pressure vessel
RRS required response spectrum
RRV reactor recirculation valve
RSA remote shutdown area
RSR results summary report
RSS remote shutdown station
RSV reactor safety valve
RTB reactor trip breaker
RTD resistance temperature detector
RTM requirements traceability matrix
RTNDT reference temperature for nil-ductility transition
RTNSS regulatory treatment of nonsafety systems
RTP rated thermal power
RTPTS reference temperature, pressurized thermal shock
RTS reactor trip system
RVI reactor vessel internals
RVV reactor vent valve
Acronym or Abbreviation Description
RWB Radioactive Waste Building
RWBCR Radioactive Waste Building control room
RWBVS Radioactive Waste Building HVAC system
RWDS radioactive waste drain system
RWMS radioactive waste management system
RWSS raw water supply system
RXB Reactor Building
RXC reactor core
S&Q staffing and qualifications
SAFDL specified acceptable fuel design limit
SAM seismic anchor motion
SAMDA severe accident mitigation design alternative
SAMG severe accident management guideline
SAR Safety Analysis Report
SAS secondary alarm station
SAS service air system
SAT site acceptance testing
SBAC smooth bounding analysis curve
SBLB subscale boundary layer boiling
SBLOCA small-break loss-of-coolant accident
SBM scheduling and bypass module
SBO station blackout
SBVS Security Building HVAC system
SC-I Seismic Category I
SC-II Seismic Category II
SC-III Seismic Category III
SCB Security Buildings
SCC stress corrosion-cracking
SCDF seismic core damage frequency
SCR silicon controlled rectifier
SCS secondary sampling system
SCWS site cooling water system
SDB safety data bus
SDIS safety display and indication system
SDM shutdown margin
SDOE secure development and operational environment
SDOF single-degree-of-freedom
SDP software development process
SDS site drainage system
SEB Security Building
SECS plant security system
SECY Secretary of the Commission, Office of the NRC
SEI Structural Engineering Institute
SEL seismic equipment list
SER Safety Evaluation Report
SFA spent fuel assembly
SFM safety function module
SFP spent fuel pool
SFPCS spent fuel pool cooling system
Acronym or Abbreviation Description
SFSS spent fuel storage system
SG separation group
SG steam generator
SG strain gauge
SGI safeguards information
SGS steam generator system
SGTF steam generator tube failure
SICS safety information and control system
SIL software integrity level
SLB steam line break
SLP site layout plan
SM single module
SMA seismic margin assessment
SMACNA Sheet Metal and Air Conditioning Contractors' National Association
SME subject matter expert
SMR small modular reactor
SMS seismic monitoring system
SNL Sandia National Laboratories
SNM special nuclear material
SOCA security owner controlled area
SOV solenoid-operated valve
SPAR standardized plant analysis risk
SPND self-powered neutron detector
SPS security power system
SQDP seismic qualification data package
SQRF seismic qualification record form
SQUG Seismic Qualification Utility Group
SR surveillance requirement
SREC standard radiological effluent control
SRI Stanford Research Institute
SRM staff requirements memorandum
SRP Standard Review Plan
SRSS square root of the sum of the squares
SRST spent resin storage tank
SRV sump recirculation valve
SRWS solid radioactive waste system
SSA safe shutdown analysis
SSC structures, systems, and components
SSCIV secondary system containment isolation valve
SSE safe shutdown earthquake
SSI soil-structure interaction or secondary system isolation
SSS secondary sampling system
SSSI structure-soil-structure interaction
SST station service transformer
STPA System-Theoretic Process Analysis
SUNSI sensitive unclassified non-safeguards information
SVM schedule and voting module
SWIS service water intake structure
SWMS solid waste management system
SWV shear wave velocity
Acronym or Abbreviation Description
SWYD switchyard system
TA task analysis
TAF top of active fuel
TBC Turbine Building crane
TBS turbine bypass system
TBVS Turbine Building HVAC system
T/C thermocouple
TCU temperature control unit
TDH total dynamic head
TDS total dissolved solids
TEDE total effective dose equivalent
TGB Turbine Generator Building
TGS turbine generator system
TGSS turbine gland sealing system
THD total harmonic distortion
TIHA treatment of important human actions
TIT temperature indicating transmitter
TLD thermoluminescent dosimeter
TLOSS turbine lube oil storage system
TMI Three Mile Island
TMR triple module redundancy
TNDT nil ductility temperature
TOC top of concrete
TRS test response spectrum
TS technical specifications
TSC technical support center
TSTF Technical Specification Task Force
TUF tubular ultrafiltration
UAT unit auxiliary transformer
UCRW uncontrolled control rod assembly withdrawal at power
UCRWS uncontrolled control rod assembly withdrawal from a subcritical or low power or startup condition
UDC uniform Doppler coefficient
UHS ultimate heat sink
UPS uninterruptible power supply
URD Utility Requirements Document
URS uniform response spectrum
URS upper riser assembly/section
USGS United States Geological Survey
USI unresolved safety issue
USM uniform support motion
UTC coordinated universal time
UWS utility water system
V&V verification and validation
VDU video display unit
VIT vibration indicating transmitter
VLA vented lead-acid
VRLA valve-regulated lead-acid
VRT voltage regulating transformer
WDT watchdog timer
WMCR waste management control room
Acronym or Abbreviation Description
WSW wet solid waste
WTB Waste Treatment Building
ZOI Zone of Influence
ZPA zero period acceleration

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